Sploshing and all things Wet & Messy

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Wet & Messy - Clear fluid splashing on black backgroundWelcome to ‘Fluid Motions’ – the third segment in our ongoing anthology series ‘Beneath the Sheets’. This section looks at kinks and sexual explorations that involve getting a bit down and dirty (in the best way possible).

Are you hungry for knowledge? Because in this instalment we’ll be looking at the sweet and savoury world of sploshing.

Bon appétit.


Here at Sheets of San Francisco we have been blessed with many descriptive reviews over the years. Each of these reviews has put emphasis on the surface of our sheets – illustrating, with poetic grace, the sensation of stroking against the surface of our waterproof fabric. ‘Silky’, ‘smooth’, and even ‘cooling’ have all been repeated with enthusiasm, and each time we hear these descriptions a smile comes to our face. Yet others, still, have chosen to take things further.

Yes, our sheets when used alone may be silky, but are they silky like a warm chocolate tart?

They’re smooth, but how about making them smooth like a decadent cream?

And cooling? For some. But not as cooling as ice cream, rippling down the body to be lapped up in due time.

This is where sploshing comes in to play.

What Is Sploshing?

Sploshing is a fetish centred around the enjoyment of getting wet and messy, hence the other name it goes by: WAM – Wet & Messy

When most people think of sploshing they typically think of cakes and pies, and, most commonly, that scene from American Pie. But sploshing doesn’t always need to involve food, some people, for example, prefer their sploshing to involve mud. For these individuals those 5 and 10k mud runs must get the heart pumping for a multitude of reasons, but, for this article, we’ll be sticking to the most common WAM material, which is food.

Sensation or the visual appeal of being covered in something we’re typically told not to ‘play with’ can often be the appeal for hardcore sploshers.

It is, to some degree, instinctual for us to feel our food – to take it up in our hands and really get acquainted with its various nuances. Indeed, some cultures still retain this connection with their food, and to have it curtailed is a great loss.

This was once even famously depicted in The Life of Pi in a moment where the protagonist was criticised for using his hands to pick up food. To explore this excerpt for a moment:

I blanched. My fingers, which a second before had been taste buds savouring the food a little ahead of my mouth, became dirty under his gaze. They froze like criminals caught in the act. I didn’t dare lick them. I wiped them guiltily on my napkin. He had no idea how deeply those words wounded me…I picked up the knife and fork. I had hardly ever used such instruments. My hands trembled. My sambar lost its taste.

Sploshing takes this ‘taste’ for food – the hunger for its sensations and tactile delights, and makes it into a complete bodily experience.

Why relegate your enjoyment of food to a knife and fork when you can feel it drizzle on your skin, run it through your hair, and lick it off your lover’s chest? What is the ‘taste’ of those experiences like? Splosh and you just might find out.

Degrees of Indulgence

Naturally, not everyone will be entirely enamoured with the notion of having Bird’s Eye Custard near their actual eyes. In which case we have good news for you.

Much like any fetish or kink, there are varying degrees of involvement when it comes to sploshing. Dedicated fetishists may wish for this all-encompassing encounter with their entrées, but if you’d just prefer an appetiser then there’s nothing to stop you.

Easing in with some whipped cream, chocolate syrup, or even things such as strawberries, or a banana is also fine too. What matters is the sexual experience that you want to engage in, and your own personal comfort level (or levels, if others are involved).

Even at these ‘explorative’ levels you can always be a bit bolder or try out different ways to take things to ‘the next level’ without needing three different shampoo attempts afterwards.

Those who want to explore temperature play, for example, can try using ice cream, lollipops, or warm fudge cakes or sauces. Those dabbling in dominance can ‘spill’ or ‘draw on’ certain parts of their body with food and then get their submissive to lick it off (perhaps even blindfolded).

How far you take things from there is up to you.


To Splosh with Sheets

We’ve explored, many times, the practicality of our sheets when it comes to messy play.

And sploshing is a very messy playstyle.

The typical way to make full sploshing accessible is to find a suitable place for play (usually, lamentably, a bathroom) lay a plastic sheet down (for the waterproof aspect) and top it with a disposable cheap sheet. This involves a lot of small purchases that add up over time, is not the most comfortable of experiences, and, depending on the space, may not even be the most hygienic or ‘sexy’ either. But our sheets can change all of this.

No longer relegated to the bath or the shower (if you even have large enough spaces for adult play in the bathroom), or forced to purchase, wreck, and dispose of many cheap sheets or uncomfortable plastic surfaces, our sheets are literally designed to make your sexual desires come to fruition.

Our sheets, in contrast, are single layered, designed for portability, completely fluidproof (no matter what food you challenge them with), and are lightweight for easy transport and storage. They’re also a high-quality single time investment, so you’ll never have to worry about accumulating purchases and excess waste again.

But, perhaps our favourite part of our sheets for sploshing is that you can use them in a variety of ways.

Want to splosh on the bed? Well, they’re not called ‘sheets’ for fun (not entirely, at least).

Need a large surface to stand on? Lay our sheets on the floor in your kitchen, bedroom, or anywhere else and begin your food-based fucking.

And, for those who want to get traditionally romantic we have a spectacular suggestion.

Bring our sheets to your dining room table, folded to size, and begin your meal on them, laying out some foods to enjoy orally and others in, ahem, other ways. Start off your exploration sitting at the table, move on top, and then unfold and lay out the sheets as needed from there.

With our product you really can have the full culinary experience, and we truly hope you do.

Sploshing Safely

Although we are all for sploshing, we’re also about your safety, and so we thought it important to include this little section on sploshing responsibly.

The potential that our sheets provides means that, for some users, this may be the first time that you get the ‘full WAM experience’. This may lead to a desire to go absolutely bananas (perhaps literally) and smother food all over your body, but please do be careful.

The genitals (especially the vulva and vagina) are clever but rather delicate self-cleaning systems, and when something is introduced that disrupts its natural balance some irritation can occur.

Sweet foods are notorious for causing urinary tract infections and other bacterial concerns if they come in to contact with the vulva’s internal entrances, meaning that you may want to protect or avoid these areas entirely. Kink-specific items exist to enable this, and we always advise doing your research extensively before fulfilling an unexplored fetish.

Food should never, under any circumstances, be inserted internally in to the body either, especially if that food has no perceptible flared base. Such exploration might have been popularised by mainstream media (can you say cucumber?) but it has no practical place in your play time.

If you do want some food-based insertibles then, again, specialist silicone items exist online to aid in your desires.

Dining in (Sheeted) Style

As with any dining experience, your preferences may vary wildly depending on your palate and personal proclivities.

You may notice that we’ve stuck to mainly sweet options in this article, for example. This isn’t to deter our savoury fans, but simply because most people begin to explore sploshing through known sweet treats.

If you do decide to get more adventurous and expand your dining options, then you can rest assured that our sheets will still be there for you. Perhaps, a Taco Tuesday is in your future?

Whatever you’re in the mood for we hope that our sheets can be the perfect complement to your meal (and, just so you know, we do offer bespoke services and are not at all opposed to creating a checker ‘tablecloth’ if required).

